About Me

My photo
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
To put myself in a specific category is difficult and even unfair in the way it may limit me, so i'll keep it general. I would say I am a conceptualist and an eccentric. Working in the world of the abstract and bringing it into the realm of the real is what gives me the most pleasure. The art of making others understand what your innermost thoughts through whatever expression is what I most want to perfect in my life. Hopefully through this I can connect to others and them to me and therefore correct the disjointedness and therefore disharmony and imbalance that has been created by existing in the idea of separation which has been created by this reality.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Just me as I am

Behind these brown eyes
A soul laid bare
For the one who has the depth of sight
And the heart to care

Behind these red lacquered lips
Lies no porcelain pearly whites
Instead, light gap-toothed laughter
 Drifting on the wind to dizzy heights

This chocolate coloured skin
Mottled with marks
Tells the colourful story of days gone by
To the sway of my hip and the ride of my thigh

There aint no original free from flaw
So would you rather except a fake
Brother , if you would the time take
Then definitely a beautiful union we would make